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Loerch's Jewelry & Gifts 

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C. J. Loerch not only offers new jewelry but also can repair your favorite watch or reset stones into a new setting.  

Need a class ring?  Loerch's offers the same high quality Art Carved class rings that you can get a larger shops but at a competitive price. 

Loerch's can repair both your grandfather's mantel clock or grandma's wedding set.  

Loerch's Jewelery in Wahoo, NE

Shop hours:

  • Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 
  • or by appointment
  • Closed on Sunday

Loerch's Jewelry & Gifts
129 E. 5th St.
Wahoo, NE 68066
(402) 443-3680 

Loerch's Jewelry & Gifts in Wahoo NE