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Wahoo Newspaper Historical Articles

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November 6, 1941 - The Saunders county mattress making program got under way this month. The mattress making center is located in the Fairmont Creamery Co., building south of the First national Bank in Wahoo. Saunders county recently received 1300 pounds of baled cotton and 2400 yards of mattress ticking from the Surplus Commodity Corporation, to be made into cotton mattresses for low income rural families.

To receive one of the mattresses, the family must make an application with the County Agent. A charge is made at the time of $1.50 per mattress. The maximum number of mattresses allowed to a family is three. Upon approval of the application the family is notified when to come to the center and make their mattresses. Two adult members of the family, preferably man and wife, are asked to be present. A mattress can be completed by the family in one day. Several families will be asked in each day. They will work cooperatively on the mattresses under the direction of a supervisor and each family will take their mattress home with them.

Over 100 mattress applications have been received at the County Agent's office to date. There is enough cotton on hand to make 240 mattresses. Those interested in getting a mattress are urged to make their application soon. It is expected to complete the project early in December.

Kindly Transcribed by Kathie Harrison