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Centennial Edition Contains Much of County's
One hundred years ago, President Andrew Johnson proclaimed
Nebraska statehood. This same year Saunders County (Calhoun)
became a county. This week the Wahoo Newspaper presents its
special Centennial Edition in observance of this one hundredth
Neither this, nor any newspaper special edition, could
purport to serve as a history of Saunders County. Historians
have accomplished far more in comparison through books and
writings than what could be attempted by this newspaper. Never
the less it is the purpose of this edition to give some
insight, as little as it may be, into the free, adventuresome
pioneering life of this county and to include other articles
of historical significance bringing it up to date.
Thus, this newspaper volume will attempt to give the reader
a taste of history. This was not possible, to say the least,
without the aid of many people scattered throughout Saunders
County. Far too many, indeed, to give credit to all, but
without their aid this edition would not have been possible.
Nearly all stories submitted were accepted.
Because a large amount of time and expense went into the
formation of this edition, it was necessary to solicit
advertising to help defray this expense. It then goes without
saying that this edition would not have been possible without
the generosity of the advertisers found herein. All
contributed cheerfully and generously to its pages and are to
be congratulated.
The object of this edition is not only to preserve from
oblivion events from the past, but to give some accounting of
the experiences of the intrepid men and women who paved the
way in Saunders County for the development of this part of
Nebraska; to give dates and statistics of importance, and to
record other matters of interest, too valuable to be lost or
Most of the actors in this drama of colonization have
already passed from the stage since the Wahoo Newspaper was
established in 1886, and with them has vanished all record of
some of the exciting scenes in which they were participants
during the territorial days of Nebraska. The Wahoo Newspaper
is cognizant of the fact that
any important events have been omitted, and that several
Parties who are rich with historic lore have not been
interviewed and we ask our readers to be lenient, calling
attention to these omissions that we may rectify them in any
future Historical Editions. There will also be repetitions,
unavoidable with an edition of this size.
Perhaps this Centennial Year with its many observances and
stimulating a fresh appraisal will bring forth upon this
county and its people a new spirit of pride and a fiery
determination to make the century greater than the first.
A final suggestion to the reader: Save this edition of the
Wahoo Newspaper. It could prove useful in school, as a
memento, as an argument settler (or starter), and a century
from now it may be quite valuable. Therefore it is with a
feeling of pleasurable pride that we present this Centennial
Edition. The work has been difficult and trying, but one of
love and enjoyment. If this newspaper has done something
worthwhile in publishing this edition it is because the Wahoo
Newspaper has written of a worthwhile domain of a worthwhile
people and under the inspiration of a worthwhile cause.
Derrel D. Ludi, editor