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Ashland Organized by Mr. Argyle in Year 1870

The name Ashland may be traced to its giver, a Mr. Argyle. He was an ardent admirer of Henry Clay, and many years ago, in conversation with Hon. A. B. Fuller, told him that once while on a fishing excursion up the Salt Creek, he was charmed with the natural beauty of the scenery and its seeming advantages of becoming a future city, and named it Ashland, in honor of the home of his ideal statesman. It was formally organized at its first meeting held March 4, 1870. Dennis Dean was elected chairman and Mr. Willsie, clerk of the board of trustees.

At a meeting held June 17 J. H. Snell was appointed treasurer and it was ordered by the board that the collector call upon Messrs. Hiemer and Locke and require them to take out a city license to retail malt and spirituous liquors. C. M. Folsom was appointed clerk in place of Willsie, resigned. May 22, 1871, the second election was held, and the following officers elected: Andrew Marble, chairman; H. H. Packard, treasurer; A. B. Chamberlain, clerk; J. B. Lininger, Street Commissioner.

1872 - Election held May 31, Henry Johnson, chairman; A. B. Chamberlain, clerk; M. C. Long, treasurer. 1873 - May 19. Henry Johnson, chairman; H. W. Curtis, treasurer; J. A. Jury, clerk; J. G. Whitlock, marshal and street commissioner. 1874 - May 11. William B. Morris, chairman; J. B. Lininger, treasurer; J. A. Jury, clerk. The issue of the election was the temperance question, and during this year the licenses were granted. 1875 - May 11, J. M. Bond, chairman; H. W. Curtis, treasurer; Joseph Arnold, clerk; H. S. Clark, marshal; J. G. Whitlock, street commissioner. 1876 - May 23, Henry Johnson, chairman; H. B. Curtis, treasurer; Joseph Arnold, clerk; O. A. Pierce, collector; George Buck, marshal and street commissioner. 1878 - May 21, same board.

1878 - April 16, Ashland was organized as a city of the second class and the following officers elected: Ben S. Clark, mayor; J. R. Watts, City Clerk; Council - J. H. Snell; A. D. Frazier, First Ward; E. M. Park, W. C. Scott, second ward. City treasurer Jury resigned November 2, 1878. H. W. Curtis was elected to fill his place at a special election held January 4, 1879. H. H. Packard was also elected councilman from the first ward to fill vacancy. January 14, 1879, chemical fire engines and hook and ladder truck, costing $1,700 were purchased.

The second city election was held April 5, 1879, and the following complement of officials were elected: Ben S. Clark, mayor; H. W. Curtis, city treasurer; A. H. Gould, city clerk; J. H. Snell and Dennis Dean, councilmen, first ward, and Samuel Stratton second ward; David Wingood, Police Judge; William Hardin, city engineer; George Hoffman, marshal. The incoming council refused to pay for the fire apparatus and it was shipped back to the manufacturer. An act of the legislature making it necessary for a city of the second class to have 1,500 inhabitants to retain its franchise, caused the premature death of the young city, the census returns failing to return over 1,100 inhabitants. Accordingly, April 8, 1880, Ashland was organized as a village with the following trustees and officers: Trustees, Dennis Dean, J. H. Snell; Water Supt. Don Robinson $395 mo.; Cemetery, Geo. W. Pike $395 mo.; Sewage Treatment Plant and Parks, Pete Nitz $395 mo.; Police Chief, Earl Sack $350 mo.; City Attny., C. D. Lutton $600 yr.

Kindly Transcribed by Kathie Harrison