The following is a list of a few of the business men in
Ashland and Wahoo in 1876: J. Manners & Co., general store; Ashland;
Joseph Arnold and H. A. Alden, attorneys; James M. Lee, general merchandise,
Wahoo; Frank Koudele, meat market; Douglas & Coleman, machinists and
blacksmiths, Ashland; F. C. Williams and E. E. Lyle, real estate and
insurance, Wahoo; Henry Anderson, banker, Wahoo; I. Soule, physician, surgeon
and dentist, also City Drug Store, Wahoo; Barnes & Reid, tinware, Wahoo;
Jay Chastarn, harness and saddles, Ashland; J. H. White, pianos and organs,
Wahoo; F. S. Steward, livery, Wahoo; A. W. Vandeman, grocer, Ashland; H. H.
Shedd & Company, Palace Clothing House, Ashland; O. M. Carter, hardware,
The following is a list of later business men in the city: J.
B. Allen, grocer; J. E. Phelps, contractor and builders, E. B. Phelps, grocer;
C. M. Burr, general store; Riddle & LeMaster, saloon; John Beermaker,
hardware and stoves; Wahoo Bakery, A. W. Mills; C. H. Adams, furniture; Perky
& Gilkeson, Thomas & Reese, Mosher & Bell, and George W. Burton,
attorneys; Stephens & Maynard, W. O. Thayer, blacksmith; John S. Stevens,
Wahoo Hotel; William Arndt, Deutsches Gast Jaus; P. Andrus and J. W. Perkind,
grocers; Simeon Deeker, livery; Dr. R. B. Morton, P. Andrus, drugs.