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Saunders County Museum - Christmas on the Prairie

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George Beadle

Beadle was born at Wahoo,  on October 22, 1903 to Chauncey and Hattie Beadle. Educated at the Wahoo High School, Beadle went on to the College of Agriculture in Lincoln, Nebraska.  By 1927 he had earned his MS and moved on to teach at Cornell University.   Beadle continued his education and earned an Ph. D. and by 1931 was awarded a fellowship at the California Institute of Technology.  

In 1935 Beadle visited Paris for six months to study of the development of eye pigment in Drosophila which later led to the work on the biochemistry of the genetics of the fungus Neurospora for which Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum were together awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

Beadle married twice and had one son, David.  Dr Beadle died in 1989.