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Cooper Studio & Gallery 

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Located on Silver Street in Ashland, Nebraska, Cooper Studio and Gallery offers fine original artworks.  The gallery really does offer something for everyone.  Pottery, metal works and fine oils are just a few of the items that you'll see when you visit.  Visit our on-line art gallery to see a sample of our work. 


Featured Artists: 
  • Kim Cooper
  • John Dennison
  • Naomi Keller
  • Diane Mattern
  • Sue Pickering
  • Lee Kallstrom

Convenient Hours: 

  • Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.  
  • Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
  • Sunday, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. 
  • Closed Mondays
Fine Art at Cooper Studio and Gallery in Ashland Nebraska
Directions from Omaha:
  • Take I-80 west from Omaha
  • NE-31 exit- exit number 432- toward US-6 Gretna / Ashland
  • Turn Right onto NE-31 (north)
  • Turn Left onto US-6 (south)
  • Turn Right onto Silver Street

Commissions are available. 

For more information call the Cooper Studio and Gallery at (402) 944-2022. 

Cooper Studio and Gallery Ashland Nebraska